How to use multiple installations of VSCode
If you are worried about having a installation of vscode with all of your extensions, considering that you work with many differents technologies. You can use more than one installation in the same computer, which one with their own extensions and configurations settings.
To do that, you will need to use VSCode as portable installation.
First, it is necessary download de zip or tar.gz version of VSCode.
Second, after you decompress the compressed file, you must create a data directory inside VSCode root directory.
And that’s it. Now, when you run code, all the configuration settings and extensions of that installation will be store inside data directory.
The image bellow show at the left a directory installation to work with Angular and at the right a directory installation to work with Java.
Unfortunately, this approach has a problem. When you work with portable mode of VSCode, you loose the auto update function. For update portable version you need download the last version of VSCode, decompress the compressed file and copy the data directory of the old installation for the new one. After that, just initialize the new version and have some fun.